Question What preventive steps can organizations take to guard against pay inequities reply to the students response below in a september 2023
hr d3 green
Question What preventive steps can organizations take to guard against pay inequities? reply to the students response below in a 150 words min and provide 1 reference students response COLLAPSE To guard against pay inequities organizations can ensure their HR department is adhering to the equal pay act (making it illegal to pay differentials based on sex) and ensure fair pay by demonstrating pay transparency. For example, previously in my company’s job search we have job descriptions and job groupings under the specific job grouping there is a minimum and maximum of pay one can expect based on the position and level of experience. We also have a compensation policy that dictates we are not to discuss our salary. Currently the salaries of the jobs available are not displayed as that information is given during the telephone interview or upon the job offer…Tyreena Rue, L., Byars, L. & Ibrahim, N. (2016). Human Resources Management, 11th Edition. NY: McGraw-Hill.
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