The Senior Vice President of Human Resources has just informed you that she would like september 2023

human resource
The Senior Vice President of Human Resources has just informed you that she would like for you to research various HRM practices amongst Fortune 500 companies. This research will be presented to the board of trustees next month. They want to review other company’s best practices to help them realign their strategic initiatives in the below areas: Recruitment/On boarding Training & Development Employee/Labor Relations Performance Management Compensation & Benefits Incentives/Practices You will need to research various Fortune 500 companies and identity their best HRM practices. Be sure to identify and discuss the pros and cons of each functional area and state whether or not this practice will be one of your recommendations. Submit a 10 page paper written in APA format to the Drop Box. Paper should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt and doubled spaced. Paper should include at least 6 references in APA

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