Write a paper of 700 to 1 050 words in which you discuss the roles of september 2023

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Write a paper of 700- to 1,050-words in which you discuss the roles of law and courts in today’s business environment. Discuss the roles of law and courts in today’s business environment. Differentiate the federal court structure with your state’s court structure. Discuss the concept of judicial review. Explain how laws or regulations affect your present job or industry. Describe various forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and discuss how this is different from the court system. Properly cite to at least three peer-reviewed references. “Peer-reviewed” documents are identified and defined in the Instructor Policies (Spiering, 2017, Researching Assignments). Specifically, “peer-reviewed” documents are those that require review, judgment, and approval by an independent panel of experts (scholarly or scientific peers) prior to publication. Since this is a business law course, published appellate court opinions and articles in professional business journals are peer-reviewed documents. Typically, the weekly electronic reserve readings are peer-reviewed documents. Characteristics of a scholarly, peer-reviewed article include (1) a formal format; (2) sources are cited with footnotes or a bibliography at the end of the article; and (3) authors are scholars and researchers in the field and are identified as such. Use the Week 1 Grade Rubric, below, as a skeleton to all other weekly course assignments and also consider using it for future 300-400 level courses. Students interested in earning A grades for papers should pay particular attention to this suggestion. (All other weekly contain similar grade rubrics. Please use them to fulfill assignment expectations and earn solid grades.) Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Reference : Spiering, K. J. (2017). Instructor Policies. Retrieved from ETH/321 Classroom. Required elements Students earn their grades based on the Grade Rubric. It will be inserted with comments at the end of each graded paper, along with other specific comments inserted directly into the paper itself. A grading scale ( i.e . A -F) is provided in the Instructor Policies (Spiering, 2017). So, students earn high grades by satisfying each bullet point in each section – Content, Organization/Development and Mechanics. Please note that the Mechanics section of the Grade Rubric requires the integration of research in APA format, including in-text and reference citations. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Grade Rubric Analysis for Week 1 Individual Assignment: The Role and Functions of Law Content 60 Percent 3 Points Score Additional Comments: The paper discusses the roles of law and courts in today’s business environment. Apply readings in Chap. 1-2 of Pagnattaro et al. (2016). For all sentences quoted or paraphrased, cite the course textbook using APA in-text and reference citations. What are some purposes of law in a country/society? Identify a law that applies to your business and describe what happens if the law is violated. The paper includes a differentiation between the federal court structure and your state court’s structure. Apply readings in Chap.3 of Pagnattaro et al. (2016). Cite in-text to the course book. For all sentences quoted or paraphrased, cite the course textbook using APA in-text and reference citations. Briefly describe the two major U.S. court systems – federal and state. Why are there two court systems? How are they different from each other? Identify different types of lawsuits (such as the one described above) and identify which court system the plaintiff should use to sue the defendant. “A” grade threshold expectation: Differentiate the federal court structure with your state’s court structure and provide multiple examples. The paper includes a discussion of the concept of judicial review. Apply readings in Chap. 3 and in particular LO 3-3 of Pagnattaro et al. (2016).  For all sentences quoted or paraphrased, cite the course textbook using APA in-text and reference citations. How do our textbook authors define “judicial review”? How does the case of Marbury v. Madison (Chap. 3 required reading) fit into the concept of Judicial Review? Cite Marbury v. Madison as a separate APA reference. How might the concept of judicial review apply to a lawsuit described above? “A” grade threshold expectation: Explain the concept of judicial review established within the Marbury v. Madison case. Expound upon the role of the review beyond its basic concept. The paper includes an explanation of how laws and regulations affect your job or industry. Define and describe a particular law or regulation that applies to your job or industry. What happens if the law is violated? What precautions can a company take to assure it is in compliance with the law? “A” grade threshold expectation: Cite to a specific law or regulation and analyze how it affects your present job or industry. The paper includes a description of the different forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and a discussion of how they are different from the court system. Apply readings in Chap. 5 of Pagnattaro et al. (2016). For all sentences quoted or paraphrased, cite the course textbook using APA in-text and reference citations. How is ADR different from a traditional court case? Define a few forms of ADR and apply how one of them might apply to a dispute you have experienced in your job or industry. Hint: “negotiation” is a form of ADR that companies should always consider before filing a lawsuit. Perform a cost/benefit analysis of the selected ADR form when comparted to a formal court lawsuit. “A” grade threshold expectation: Differentiate the various forms of ADR from the court system and provide multiple examples. Highlighted bullets and/or specific comments depict areas to improve in content and to hone your research and writing skills. . Organization / Development 20 Percent 1 Point Score Additional Comments: The paper is between 700 to 1,050 words in length. Per Instructor Policies WEEKLY ASSIGNMENTS: Word count limitations of assignments only include the body of the text. Easy to identify next topic of discussion – APA-formatted [sub]headings, and transitional sentences and paragraphs are used throughout paper. Use APA formatted subheadings to identify the topics contained within the Content Section, above. Let the reader know what material is about to be discussed. See APA Paper Template for format. Logical content development , e.g ., introduce, define, explain, and apply concepts. Critical part of scholarly research and writing: edit for clarity, and then revise, revise, revise. Repeat as necessary. Sentences and phrases are well constructed, strong, and varied. Draft the paper with ample time to upload it for review and critique within the WritePoint Reviewing Service located in the UOPX Library Center for Writing Excellence. Thereafter, make necessary corrections and edits to the draft paper prior to submission for grading. Appropriate tone – use of objective, 3rd person writing is encouraged. words Mechanics 20 Percent 1 Point Score Additional Comments: Professional appearance – same font size, type, and spacing used throughout paper. The paper–including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page–is consistent with APA formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Use the APA Paper Template (the latest revision) located in the UOPX Library Center for Writing Excellence, Tutorials and Guides, APA Information, APA_Paper_Template_300_499_v4 Intellectual property is recognized with properly formatted in-text citations and a reference page. Use and apply the things shown in UOPX’s Center for Writing Excellence, Writing and Style Guidelines, Expectations for Bachelor 300-399 level students. Use the UOPX Citation Generator, but verify cite corresponds with the primary authority: American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling is correct. Is your Word program set up to autocorrect spelling and grammar while you type? Select, File, Options, Proofing, and then select all necessary items to catch spelling and grammar errors while you type or when you spell check your document for its submission. This step will help your score. Plus, the readers are not distracted by grammar and spelling errors! At least 3-5 APA references, which should include the course text and 3 peer-reviewed documents. Students are encouraged to cite the relevant weekly reserve readings. See Instructor Policies Researching Assignments for definition of “peer review” document. Note that the course text book (Pagnattaro et al., 2016) is not considered a “peer review” document but it should be cited as a reference nonetheless. Total Score 5

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