You will choose four 4 words from a provided list of themes and emotions and construct a Prezi or Google september 2023

film music
You will choose four (4) words from a provided list of themes and emotions and construct a Prezi or Google Slides presentation of your analysis of these ideas. Your project will include the inserted video clips (not just the link) and your analysis. I require Prezi or Google Slides so that I don’t have to download the clips to my computer and so that you have less trouble linking the clips into your presentation. (Please, no sexual, graphic, or extremely violent content.) Prezi is available at, (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. and you can submit your link directly on the assignment page in Canvas. You do not have to upload your presentation. Please be sure that your presentation is open to the public and I do not have to log in. Failure to do this can result in a 0 for the final project. I will contact you by email/comment but if I you do not respond and I can’t access it you will not receive a grade. DO NOT USE POWERPOINT. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY ANYTHING TO ACCESS PREZI FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. From the following list of themes and emotions, you will select four (4) words to analyze their expression through film music. Themes: redemption, birth, reunion, miracles, obedience, forgiveness, faith, hope, humility, overcoming, death, rescue, war/battle, love, defeat, jealousy, aliens, confession, compassion, courage, decision, despair, endurance, dreams, animals, justice, travel Emotions: love, joy, hate, sadness, sadness specifically involving death, happiness, fear, loneliness, peacefulness, nostalgia Pick three themes and one emotion to form your group of four words. For the first 3 words you will find 3 film clips (each clip being from a different composer and different film) and analyze how that particular composers expresses these emotions through the music. – This part is a total of 9 clips. Example: First Word: Confession (Pick 3 films that show a scene with someone confessing something) You can use any clip or composer you want – it doesn’t have to be from the films we watched in this course. Clip 1: Film 1, Composer: Williams Clip 2: Film 2, Composer: Zimmer Clip 3: Film 3, Composer: Steiner For your next two words pick different composers and different films than you did in the first example to show a greater depth of knowledge! For one word you will pick 3 clips from the same composer (3 different movies) and analyze any patterns, similarities, or differences that you observe. This part has a total of 3 clips. Example: Fourth Word: Peacefulness Clip 1: Film 1 (Ex. Emma), Composer: Portman Clip 2: Film 2 (Ex. Chocolat), Composer: Portman Clip 3, Film 3, (Ex. Mona Lisa’s Smile),Composer: Portman Create a Prezi or Google Docs presentation with the clips embedded in the project. You will loose points if it is just the link. Also in the presentation provide bullet points with the following information under each clip: Name of the Film Composer & Director Year Communicate (with the vocabulary learned from this course) why this scene was so effective, and/or the mechanics of the music that helped to create this scene. – Include an analysis of the instruments used, moods, tempos, tonality, melody, etc. Also, for each word give a short overview of what you discovered were similarities or difference with the scenes or what you learned about how this idea can be depicted in in music. (One extra box or circle). You might also include why you picked the word or what you learned about studying this idea through film. You will have a total of 12 clips for this project. Don’t use soundtrack clips or trailers! You want to find actually scene with music written or chosen from that particular idea. You will be deducted points if you use them. To submit this assignment you need to do two things. 1 . Attach a word document with a list of your films under each word. – You will lose 10 pts without this document. Ex: Fear Close Encounters, Score John Williams 2. Please copy and paste the link to your prezi project at the top of this word document. You do not need to upload a .pdf or .zip file! Those do not open well on Canvas. Student Examples (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.

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