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systems analysis – 2024

 Question 1of 1 Part A Imagine you are a software development team that consists of 4 developers, and your client (Fred) has engaged your team to develop an application in the domain of food. Fred is a little unsure of the exact nature of the application, but he does know he needs an initial release in one month (or earlier if at all possible). You let him know that your team follows an agile design and planning process and that you will explore the domain and express your recommended concept via a report. Please write a report that: § Briefly outlines the personas considered and explain why you decided to focus on one of the personas for this first release. Hint: you should use the same format used in class: a) For the brief personas (name + role + picture) b) For the chosen persona (name + role + picture + quote + relevant biography) § Covers the stories you generated for the chosen persona. Hint: you should use the same format used in class: a title, acceptance criteria and an estimate. § Covers the release plan, including the goal of each time-box and what stories will be delivered in that time-box. Your release plan must include 4 x 1-week time-boxes and must include at least one release to the public. Please also include your rationale for deciding the team’s capacity for each time-box, and why you think that this release plan makes the most sense for Fred. Part B Please reflect on this experience tying it to the readings that you have completed so far over the course of the semester. Expected number of words: 750. 

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